
NEXUS September 2019

Anita Cassidy

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It was wonderful to see a mix of new as well as familiar faces at the social on Friday. The event was fun and the breezy, brightly lit room in north London provided a great backdrop for the engaging conversations.

NEXUS is a great space for socialising, connecting and fun but, I think, to go deeper we need space and time, support and quiet – we need sanctuary as well as connection. So, to support our, and your journeys, into, and through, conscious relationships we are creating “Conscious Relationships: in conversation”

This will be a safe, accessible space to share, discuss and move forward towards the extraordinary conscious relationships we all deserve. The first one will be in mid January in Battersea. These will be for a maximum of 10 people and will be curated to have a mixture of attendees. It will run for about two hours starting around 7pm and will be at a cost of £20pp (+VAT), payable in advance. The first event will be: “The one about dating and connecting”. The second one will be in early March and will be “The one about commitment and change”.

The idea behind these conversation groups is to create safe, welcoming and fun get togethers where we can talk, share and explore ideas more deeply. Where we can get the support we need to make change, to celebrate the great stuff going on and to work through any issues we are dealing with. The idea would be to commit to working together and communicating as a small group over the mid to long term. Community is key to Alethya and we believe that these kind of spaces are how we go about creating that as well as supporting you in developing extraordinary conscious relationships.       

If you are interested in being involved please email me: and I can begin curating the group(s).

In addition to talking about this, we also announced the exciting news that Alethya has been asked to give a short talk at the TEDx Open University event this November. For those who don’t know, TEDx is an affiliation of the globally recognised TED brand and offers a fantastic platform for presenting new and engaging ideas. Anita will be giving a talk about conscious relationships, change and happy ever after at the Open University event which will be live streamed on Nov 8th. Keep an eye out for more details!

The next NEXUS event is Thursday 28th November, details to follow.


Alethya and advocating for a values based life


Seasons of growth and change

Our Resources

We are not here to tell you where to go or how to get there but, instead, to help guide you on your own unique journey. Access some road maps and learn more here.

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