This is part of the pieces I’ve been writing around society and relating and how people interact with each other. The others are on uninvited touch I’ve received and how social systems interact with our brains
Having already written about the touch and stares and acts upon me by others, it felt important to write about the part I have played in creating a non-consensual world.
In writing this, I’ve noticed a lot of shame and guilt around seeking, demanding, so much from others. And yet we all need others. It’s about recognising and honouring our needs, healing our wounds as best we can whilst also knowing that the deepest healing takes place when we can connect and relate to each other without demanding.
This is for everyone who I’ve ever hurt with my actions. I’m truly sorry.
I placed a young male friend’s hand on my breast
I looked at a man’s penis while he was passed out drunk on the bed
I stared at and flirted with a man on a train until he wanted me
I went out of my way to make a friend of friend like me
I pressed myself against a guy at a gig
I grabbed a guy’s butt at a festival
I touched and pressed against my friend even when I could have noticed he was pulling away