
This week we are mostly reading…

A hello and an autumnal update from your radical relaters!

After a busy summer, Alethya are all very much “back to school” and working and reading as much as possible.

One of your team, Anita, has a novel being published in the new year (more details to follow!) and other team members are studying for exams as well as hoping to buy their first London home. Lots of excitement!

One of the things that we here at Alethya love to do when we are not out and about is to read. Below are a selection of the most interesting things we cam across at the weekend.

Wonderful piece by Meg-John Barker on reading, horror novel, trauma, childhood and systemic and cultural issues here

Great piece here on how mutual respect is the key to successful relationships

The importance of self care

And, lastly, from The Guardian, a piece on the appeal and challenges of part time working 

We hope you enjoy reading these and we are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the next Nexus social!


Mainstream culture and toxic relationship messages (via the Guardian)


What is unconscious monogamy?

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